Sunday, December 11, 2011

Smile and the whole world smiles with you

From childhood we are programed to smile for the camera. Some lessons are hard to forget.

Santa Claus Arrested?

Kris Kringle, you are charged with 2,493,685,023 counts of trespassing. How do you plead?

A Disguise, I Need a Disguise. I know; I'll Color My Hair

Changing their hair color seemed like a great idea. Disguises seem to always work on TV and in the movies. How did it fail our friends here?

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Don't touch my hair; that's where I keep my personality.

Hair styles say a lot about a person. When a person puts a lot of time into how they look you can be sure they put a lot of effort into the crime they commit. Hair products aren't cheap.

No Blood, No Foul

Too bad we don't get the story on how their faces were injured. It's nice that police officers are trained in first aid.

Neck Tattoos should read "Arrest Me"

The day you decide you want a tattoo on your neck is the day you decide you want limited employment and temporary housing provided by the county. I'm waiting to see the neck tattoo that says it straight up: "Arrest Me."

So that's why Ronald McDonald wears makeup.

Yeah, but Lil Wayne can rap.

Red is my color, man.